Comps people
Rubén Darío (pg. 119-120, 138-149)
José Asunción Silva (pg. 126-131)
Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera (pg. 133-136)
Julián del Casal (pg. 136-138)
Delmira Agustini (pg. 153-154)
General Notes
Modernism movement started in 1880’s/1890’s in
Latin America – Rubén Darío was the poet who really shaped the movement (119)
Basic components of
Modernism (119):
Rejection of any
overt message or teaching in art
Stress on beauty as
the highest goal
Need to free verse
from traditional forms
Many literary magazines with new poetry style
Idea of “art for art’s sake”
After 1900, modernism split into different
strands: religious/meditative, sensual, Americanist (120)
Modernism was
dominant style of Spanish-American poetry until the avant-garde movements of the
1920’s (120)
Modernism revolutionized the Spanish-American
poets’ attitude to art and society (120)
Rejection of desire of material
progress/prosperity in favor of more eternal artistic values
Schopenhauer and Hugo
“much Modernist writing on art reflects the view
of the German ‘pessimist,’ Arthur Schopenhauer,” of the 19th century
Individuals motivated not by rational thought
but by unconscious drives which worked for the betterment of the species
Idea of the artist
as the most enviable member of society (122)
Modernism reflects the “poet’s attempt through
art to liberate himself from the temporal flux in an act of communion with all
that is eternal” (122)
Victor Hugo – view of the poet as a seer who
could predict the future and who also mediated between the divine and the
earthly (122)
Modernism and society
Modernists put literary creation above political
struggle (122)
Rejection of society
and societal conventions / conformity (122)
Deviation of the poets from the accepted moral
standards of the day (123)
Federico de Onís – Idea of modernism as an
aspect of the crisis of Western civilization (123)
Desire to restore power of imagination instead
of constant focus on scientific explanation
Modernist fascination
with the unknown (124)
Use of spiritualism as a way of exploration
Theme of sexual love
and sensual tone in Modernist poetry (124)
A New Language
Modernists wanted something new; they couldn’t
get that from Spain because things were so rooted in tradition there. Instead,
the modernists focused on influences from French literary movements of the 19th
century (124-125)
Use of musical tone and exotic symbols (125)
Cosmopolitan outlook
Rejection of previous regionalist trends
View of poet as an outcast from bourgeois
society and as a member of an international brotherhood of the arts
Vision of all art as cosmopolitan; art as elite
Cult of the exotic
Way of differentiating art from the local and
common – desire for universal validity (126)
The Modernist Poets
(Pg. 126-154)
People on list in this section: José Asunción
Silva, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío, Delmira Agustini
Other Modernists
There were innumerable Modernist poets in Latin
America (154)
Modernism began as a revolt against the literary
establishment, occasioned by the fact that the poets’ experience had diverged
widely from that of previous generation sand called for a new language and form
Theme of exploration and an entrance into an
unexplored area of experience (154)
Modernism was an experimental movement that
transformed into a literary establishment (154)
Modernist Prose
Comparison of castizo prose of Montalvo with a short extract of Darío’s “La
canción del oro” – neither of these
things is on the list (155)
Modernist prose writing was an instrument for
conveying horror (156-157)
Sense of man’s despair in a Godless universe
Exploration of horror and fantasy
Exploration of the savage side of nature
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