Monday, January 20, 2014

Picaresca (Golden Age Spain)

Seven qualities distinguish the picaresque novel or narrative form. All or some of these may be employed for effect by the author.
(1) A picaresque narrative is usually written in first person as an autobiographical account.
(2) The main character is often of low character or social class. He or she gets by with wit and rarely deigns to hold a job. – Idea that hero is actually an “anti-hero”
(3) There is no plot. The story is told in a series of loosely connected adventures or episodes.
(4) There is little if any character development in the main character. Once a picaro, always a picaro. His or her circumstances may change but rarely result in a change of heart.
(5) The picaro's story is told with a plainness of language or realism.
(6) Satire might sometimes be a prominent element.
(7) The behavior of a picaresque hero or heroine stops just short of criminality. Carefree or immoral rascality positions the picaresque hero as a sympathetic outsider, untouched by the false rules of society.

-          La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) – Anónimo
-          Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado Don Pablos (1604/1626) – Francisco de Quevedo
-          Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605, 1615) – Miguel de Cervantes
-          “Rinconete y Cortadillo,” Novelas ejemplares (1590-1612) – Miguel de Cervantes

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