Thursday, January 2, 2014

Golden Age Theatre: A Review

Some questions/prompts to review Golden Age theatre.
-          La estética literaria del teatro de Lope y su comedia nueva: teoría, temas, y técnicas
o   Should mix some aspects of old comedy with some that are more popular
o   Transition from 4 acts to 3
o   Interesting topics: Theme of honor is always good
o   Aim to please the vulgo
o   Make it realistic – mix of tragic and comic elements; speech realistic to characters
o   Surprise ending
o   Polimetría
-          ¿Tenía razón Lope de Vega al titular su tratado poético “Arte nuevo”? Base su ensayo en textos teóricos y en dos obras dramáticas del autor.
o   Not necessarily, since some things he said should be done were already happening. He was just the one to pull it all together.
o   Ex: Lope de Rueda – Aceitunas/Paso VII… already aimed toward vulgo, already realistic/vulgar language
-          La representación de la historia en el teatro de Lope y Cervantes. Base su discusión en dos obras concretas.
o   El cerco de Numancia – based on popular myth
o   El caballero de Olmedo – based on popular story
o   Both are tragedies
o   In both, we know what will happen at the end
-          El amor en la comedia nueva. ¿Qué es? ¿Qué diferentes tipos de amor y qué actitudes diferentes sobre el amor se representan en el mundo dramático de Lope y Calderón?
o   Vida es sueno – Rosaura and Segismundo; kind of purifying love
o   Castigo sin venganza – amor cortés
o   Caballero de Olmedo – love contributes to tragic flaw of arrogance??? (maybe?)
-          La figura del gracioso en el teatro del Siglo del Oro. Características genéricas y funciones del personaje. Elija como punto de partida para su ensayo 2 de las obras siguientes…
o   Often voice of reason/conscience, says things that others can’t get away with
o   Frequently a slightly warped mirror of amo
o   Caballero de Olmedo – Tello
o   Castigo sin venganza – Batín
o   Burlador de Sevilla – Catalinón
-          El tema de la justicia en el teatro del siglo de oro. Base su discusión en dos obras concretas.
o   Castigo sin venganza – justicia that’s a bit warped, questionable sense of honor
o   Alcalde de Zalamea – Pedro Crespo acts with justice even though he’s lower class
o   La vida es sueno – rey’s actions can’t go against God. YET, king can’t be punished by men, only by God. Segis will be rewared by God for acting judiciously on Earth.
-          El conflicto entre libre albedrío y predestinación en el drama del siglo de oro. Base su discusión en dos de las obras dramáticas siguientes: El burlador de Sevilla, La vida es sueño,  y El gran teatro del mundo
o   Background
§  1545-1563: Council of Trent
§  1588 – Salamanca debates: Dominicans (predestination) vs. Jesuits (Luis de Molina, free will) – no resolution to the debate, Pope: “stop talking about it”
o   El burlador de Sevilla
§  “tan largo me lo fiais” – arrogance, thinks he can live badly and then repent at the very end of things
§  Don Juan’s choices condemn him; he is condemned for his arrogance
§  Don Juan chooses to sin, thus he has free will, and he is condemned because he uses this free will badly
o   La vida es sueño
§  “God is God. Whether asleep or awake, one must strive for goodness”
§  Predestination because you have to stay within the role that you are born into, but you have the free will to act how you wish within that role (good or bad)
o   Teatro del mundo
§  Libre albedrío superior a las pasiones humanas
§  Predestination because you have to stay within the role that you are born into, but you have the free will to act how you wish within that role (good or bad) ----- characters are assigned roles by God
-          Honor en Lope y Calderón. Constantes y variantes. Base su discusión en dos obras concretas.
o   Big picture:
§  Honor is a base theme of comedia nueva (he even says that Arte nuevo de hacer comedias), very popular theme
§  Changing vision of honor and society --- transition over time (honor vertical vs. honor horizontal)
§  Lope doesn’t get into honor horizontal vs. vertical, doesn’t present anything revolutionary, just dramatizes the present tension
§  Tradición teólogica vs. civilista --- how the king is seen. Teologica – king is given power by God. Civilista – pueblo gives king power, so pueblo can overrule a bad king.
o   Castigo sin venganza (Lope) ---- about a leader’s behavior
§  Main thing: father’s final act of retribution against his son --- looks like honor to the pueblo, but it’s actually dishonorable because he’s lying, although the duque does it because he has been dishonored
§  Father’s upper class/noble but still not very honorable since he’s got some shady stuff going on (gambling/mujerero)
o   Caballero del Olmedo (Lope)
§  Honor’s what damns protagonist because he decides to guard his honor rather than follow common sense to save himself (tragic flaw)
o   Alcalde de Zalamea (Calderón) ----- about a leader’s behavior
§  Honor horizontal (everyone) vs. honor vertical (just the upper class)
§  Pedro Crespo – doesn’t want “honor postizo”; honor of the lower class, everyone has honor – honor is based on actions rather than social class
§  Pedro momentarily assumes the rhetoric of vertical honor when he offers the violator Alvaro a big dowry to marry his dishonored/raped daughter; but Alvaro refuses so Pedro’s even more pissed off and ultimately dishonored even further (his family’s in an even worse position)
§  Pedro Crespo is an  honorable leader because he acts according to justice (his actions are approved by the king)
o   La vida es sueño (Calderón)
o   El gran teatro del mundo  (Calderón)
§  Honor horizontal – pobre still has honor as long as he does good, and at the end everyone is equal in front of God
-          ¿Cómo se manifiestan las preocupaciones sociológicas y políticas en la comedia de Lope, Tirso, y Calderón?
o   Castigo sin venganza (Lope)
§  Honor
§  Corrupt leader / dishonorable leader
o   La vida es sueño  (Calderón)
§  Religious / philosophical / moral stuff
§  King isn’t necessarily 100% awesome – bc he goes against God by imprisoning his son (against assigned social role – his son should be prince)
o   El burlador de Sevilla (Tirso)
§  King is manipulated/burlado by Don Juan
§  ~ religious message --- you are judged according to your actions
§  He mocks women across society
§  Society represented in a drama. It’s a corrupt society, friends mock friends, men mock women, no one’s safe, oh no!
-          El problema de la tragedia en el teatro español: su relación con el tema del honor.
o   El cerco de Numancia
Caballero de Olmedo – honor is his tragic flaw

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