Sobre el autor y la obra
Es anónimo,
se presume que fue escrito por un indígena
es de Guatemala (los indígenas mayas)
original fue quechua, ha sido traducido al español
Comps Example Questions
comparison (thematic, aesthetic, ideological) of indigenous literatures (Popol Wuj,Warochirí,Ollantay) to other
colonial texts (Las Casas, Colón, Cortés, Díaz del Castillo, Vaca)
and differences between indigenous self-representations Popol Wuj, Warochirí, Ollantay, Guamán Poma de Ayala and El Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega.
Another mention of a flood in the creation
process (like Poma de Ayala and Garcilaso de la Vega) – here, no mention of
Noah/Christianity really though
There’s a major “this is how we were created /
where we come from” trend
Also the trend of lots of gods…
Comps reading assignment
Preámbulo + Chap 1-5, Part II- Ch 1-5, 8, 16
Info from author's intro (different edition):
-there was a concern these stories could be burned as conquistadors had burned many Mayan texts
-result: hide these stories, "enmascarándolos con los ropajes técnicos de los conquistadores"
Popul Vuh (PV)=mito cosmogónico, aborda realidades universales y locales
-tema central= descenso a los infiernos de los héroes con fin de obtener una victoria sobre la muerte
-probably written in one go.
-Padre Ximénez: first translator in 1703, who mentions Spaniards transcribed a lot of indigenous lit, also that at that time, there were many stories like PV, and said that many of their ideas were similar to Catholic ones.
Why was the doc handed over to Ximénez? Because it didn't have to do with the indios' reclamation of rights or land. Instead, just had to do with religion/their way of thinking.
-Mayan religion: mistérica, extática, full of rituales iniciáticos con drogas
-mazes and subterranean buildings were the places for these experiences, reserved only for important people
-also, trata del sol-la fuente de toda vida
-Cielo + inframundo (hell) are almost the same thing, achievable in death, dreams, and 'trips'
PV mentions fasts, crueles penitencias, efusión de sangre, self-sacrifice
-Mayans wanted to open channels of knowledge and communication with their world
-el universo debe ser inteligible y significativo
-sacrifice as act that maintains movement and balance in universe
-sentimiento, fantasia y la intuición sirven como vías de acceso a las formas más altas de la verdad
Their beliefs: You don't live forever, but you also don't die forever....
Apuntes de la introducción
de la edición de Sam Colop
The Popol
Wuj is the book that contains the mythology and history of the k’iche’
people, up until the arrival of the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, when
the principal k’iche’ lords/rulers were executed
This book was transcribed in Latin symbols
between the years 1554-1558
The original version of this text was probably
in hieroglyphics/pictures
There is a Christian influence on the text,
since it was probably due to Christian Spaniards that the book was transcribed
to any other form than its original at all.
Summary of the text:
Begins with a description of the difficulties of
writing the text and the acknowledgement of the existence of an ancient book
(from which this text is being transcribed)
Description of creation – the Earth appeared
from the waters, creation of the animals, and then several series of other
beings. One was a being of mud that disintegrated in the mud. Then, human-ish
beings made of wood, that talked and reproduced but had no soul/spirit or
thoughts. Then star-people who have children.
Goes back in time and talks about the ancestry/origins
of some hero twins. The hero twins killed los Señores de la muerte.
Then the “historical” part begins (previously
was all mythology), but it continues being intertwined with mythological stuff.
Four animals discover the corn that will be
essential for the humans for survival.
There were four men created who had such strong
vision that they could see the entire earth, so their vision was clouded so
they could only see what was near.
There were four women, from whom originated
pueblos and houses.
The first generation goes to the Oriente. – Here,
there is mention that this information is contained in an ancient text.
Fire is created.
Finally, the Sun arrives, along with the moon
and stars. Now there is day and night.
The second generation also goes to the Oriente. They
receive a copy of what would have been the original copy of the Popol Wuj.
Then there’s a summary of how life went
establishing the city and the royal house and the various generations up until
the Spanish arrived.
After the Spanish arrived, the great lords were
tortured (and killed?) by the Spaniard conquistador, Pedro de Alvarado.
Lastly, the transcribers reveal their identity
and their origin/lineage. They identify
themselves as “madres/padres de la palabra.” Finally, they reiterate the
existence of a previous, original text, where this information was first
Text is written in a combination of verse and
prose. There are verses in tercets and cuartets.
Temas/ideas importantes
Estilo de escritura
en una combinación de verso y prosa
No es linear; empieza con mitología y después va a historia, pero mezcla los dos (mitología e
of the text
References to a previous text (the original)
§ “Había un libro original, / que fue
escrito antiguamente, / sólo que están ocultos quienes lo leen, / quienes lo
orality / oral tradition
§ “ahora contaremos…”
§ “ésta es la historia de…”
humano” (cómo son descritos los indígenas)
The gods (mythological) are pretty into
vengeance and killing people…
La religión
influence: “Esto lo escribiremos ya adentro de la prédica de dios, en el
Another flood in the process of creation, like
Noah’s flood (although no mention of Noah is made here) – Christian influence? Or
Existence of several gods, the Sun is the most
powerful of all
Apuntes del texto
This is the story of the Quiché. The declaration and the narration of what was hidden. Earth at sky was measured. 4 angles. 4 parts. Padre Y Madre de la vida (women are more equal here)
Chapter 1: Chaos and creation
Only the sky existed. Water was still and tranquil. The Formador, the Creador, Tepeu, Gucamatz, los Progenitores, father and mother were there. They said at dawn man should appear. 3 people form the "corazón del cielo". They separate water from sky. Yet there will not be glory or greatness until man exists. Mountains form. Added trees. Decided they needed more things so they added plants and animals. "Los creadores diero sus habitaciones y tareas a los animales de la tierra". Instruct creation to worship them. Instructs some animals that their flesh will be eaten. Then, creation tries to worship them and it's cacaphony. They tried to make un hombre de barro, but he couldn't move. Then, things got wet and they destroyed their creation to start again. (seems repetitive through a few paragraphs-things are created and destroyed because they're not right. destroyed with fire and water). This generation of men were just dolls made of wood.
Chapter 2: La historía del pájaro de fuego
There was very little light. One guy was proud of himself. "Grande es mi esplendor" I will be the moon and the sun. But, in reality, he was not the sun-he was just prideful, wanted to dominate. Yet he was defeated and died. Hunanpú and Ixbalanqué. They want to throw him in a [blowpipe/cerbatana] when he's eating...This will be an example to men that shouldn't be thirst for hunger or power. The proud man had two sons. They were also very proud. So, the H. and I. decided to get rid of them too. H. shot him and went to take charge of him, yet proud guy cuts off H.'s arm. His wife comes an asks what happens. Proud Guy explains. So. H and I decide to go to PG's house where he's keeping his arm and act life orphans asking for charity. He lets them in thinking their grandfather will cure his teeth. So they take them out and replace them with teeth made of corn. When they disintegrated, he'd lost his lordly looks. They took all of his wealth, his pride.
Chapter 3: The sons of proud man.
Z., son one, said he's a mountain maker. Swimming in a river one day, 400 men pass pulling a huge tree trunk to make a house. Z picks it up and carries it to their house. Men want to plot to kill him by digging a big hole and making him fall in. Z. digs the hole, but knows of their plan so he makes a way out. The men throw in the big trunk, thinking they'll kill him. They think he's dead and will start to rot and on the third day, they'll drink their chicha. Z. tricks them by letting ants carry pieces of his hair and nails. When they're good and drunk, Z. emerges and smashes them all. Then, H and I (from chap 2) show up. Z tells them he's hungry, they tell him there's a crab over there. He goes down to the barranco to get it and while he's there, H and I throw tierra over him and that was that. Now, the oldest son of Proud Guy is dead. C. says he's a man who tears down mountains. H and I approach as if they're hungry wanderers. Can you help us catch a bird? They catch a bird and start to cook it. Cabracán's mouth is watering. He eats the bird-it was poisoned!
Chapter 4: El Padre de los gemelos divinos
Father of H. and I. has a name "pero dejaremos en la sombra su origen y cubriremos con el misterio la relación del nacimiento de H and I." His name is HH. His parents came form the time before men were created. HH was married to Ixb. HH had one brother, VH. Both brothers were wise and they played pelota (which, according to the footnote, was meant they were dedicated to communication with the other world. The court is "un lugar de ruptura de la realidad habitual en la superficie de la tierra. The ball moves between cielo e inframundo.) One day they were playing ball and men from Xibalbá challenged them to play. (These names are IMPOSSIBLE to follow). Two of the men were basically responsible for playing the men to death. Two others were responsible for causing "desgracias", two other were responsible for making them vomit, choking on their own blood. So, all of these guys vs. VH and HH. The challengers wanted their cueros, anillos, corona, etc.
Ch. 5. La muerte de HH
Two messengers came. They call HH and VH to play ball. The messengers were owls/mythical bodies. So, VH and HH tell their mom they're going because their dad is dead. Their mom is sad. They set out on their journey-challenge/ "pruebas" along the way. They get to 4 caminos of 4 different colors. The black one says "yo soy el camino del señor"- take me! and that's where they lost...because when they arrived in Xilbalbá, they had already lost the game. Their enemies tell VH and HH to sit down on a bench, but the bench was burning, so they got burnt. Everyone in Xil. laughs at them. They plot to sacrifice them. They go through various houses of torments (house of cold, jaguars, navajas...etc) Then, they chopped off their heads, buried them together. Then, a tree that they were planted under began to give fruits. No one is supposed to eat/sit under that tree (you could see HH's face in the fruit for a moment). Now, the fruit on teh tree is just the same as the jícaro tree. "Sin embargo, una muchacha oyó la historia del prodigio y he aquí el relato de su llegada."
Ch. 6
La historia de Ixquic
A woman name Ixq. hears about the tree that bore fruit, wanted to go see it. "¿Me he de morir, me perderé si corto una de ellos?" (Like Eve.) A bone in the tree told her the fruits were calaveras. The bone spits on her hand, but when she looks, the spit is gone. Mentions how nothing is left of him but his skull, because it is your flesh that makes your rostro nice. Says she will inherit his wisdom. "Sube, pues, a la superficie de la tierra, que no morirás." Then, from the saliva, she conceived two sons (ah, like Mary), Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué. Her parents think she's been deshonrada. Sacrifice her. 4 messengers come to sacrifice her (like Abraham's son, right?). Then, she tells them how she really conceived. The messengers said, but your father said bring back your heart (Snow White). So, she told them to get a berry from that tree, put it in the glass, and it made a heart. Then, they took the heart to the men and when they burned it, the fragrance was sweet. "Así fueron burlados los señores de Xibalbá. Por la doncella fueron engañados todos."
Ch. 7 Ixquic and Ixmucané
Two people, HB and HC, were with their mom when a woman named Ixquic arrived. Her twins were about to be born. She tells the mom "yo soy vuestra nuera y vuestra hija". The mom-vieja- is not interested in her. But, she insists she belongs to Hun Hunahpú (one of those guys that died earlier and was buried under that tree)- "ellos viven en lo que tengo". Again, old woman insists she's dishonest. Then, she comes around and says alright, go get some corn. Then, Ixquic can't find corn, invokes some women (or female gods) "venid en mi ayuda". And they helped her. So, this was a miracle and the grumpy old lady finally accepted her as her nuera.
Ch. 8. Los hermanos artists
-the birth of Hunahpuh and Ixbalanqué. Mom gave birth without pain. Since the babies cries so much, abuela said, throw them outside! First, they put them on an ant hill, then briars...they slept fine. Two guys HB and HC were jealous and wanted the babies to die, HB and HC were musicians, had gone through enormous suffering, and became very wise. (HB and HC were their older brothers). Even though H. and I. hadn't done anything to deserve their hatred, HB and HC were NOT into them. No one was, really. So twins grow. Hunt birds for fam. One day, can't catch any birds and say HB and HC need to help. Now, H and I are plotting their comeuppance. So, they make HB and HC climb tree to catch birds and when they're at the top, they get scared. Then, they started to grow tails like monkeys! And thus, they were defeated (because everyone knows a man with a monkey tail is a fool) Abuela laughs at HB and HC and their new appearance. They are so ashamed that they go live in forest. And now, H. and I. live happily in that house.
Ch. 14.
Death of H and I.
They did not die of the torments of Xilbalbá, nor were they defeated by ferocious animal.
Two men who seem like prophets appear and H and I tell them that they will die from hot stones. So, H and I give them instructions on where to place their bodies...not in the barranco, because they will resurrect. Not hung in the trees for the same reason. No...instead their bones should be ground up and thrown in the river.
Now, back in the town, they were building a bon fire. Here! Drink this strong fermented beverage and let's jump over the fire (sounds like teenage boys). So, they jump on the fire and die. Then, as directed, their bones were ground up and thrown in river. AND, then they turn into beautiful jóvenes again! Woohooo
Ch 15 Resurrection and Transfiguration
They looked like fish-men on the first day. The next day, they looked like two poor guys and just danced some special dances. They also did amazing magic tricks-made houses look like they were burning, made people seem like they were dead. Then, two señores from the village asked to see them. H and I say they're ashamed because of their appearances. They meet the señores and say they don't know/remember where they came from. They did more magic tricks for the old man (quartering a dog, bringing it back to life) Then, they killed each other and came back to life (los señores se embriagaban con el espectáculo). Now, last thing, the señores say, "kill us!" so, they killed the king of Xibalbá and some others and guess what? They DIDN'T come back to life. So, through their prodigios and transformación, H and I conquer Xibalbá.
Ch. 17. The Creation of Man. Highlights the importance/sacredness of corn in their culture
The progenitors, the creators, the Formers decided it was time to make man. The time for dawn has come. Then, the sun, moon and stars came out. Corn came- "de maíz se hizo la sangre del hombre". There was also a variety of other food.
Ch. 20 El fuego y la sangre.
At that time, there was no fire, just the god Tohil who make fire. The god tells some men, I'll make you a fire, but you are responsible for it not going out. And the people were happy. and then a downpour came! And the fire went out. Again, god makes fire. Some other tribes asked to share the fire...pero no fueron bien recibidos. And the tribes were sad because they realized they didn't all have the same language anymore. Some man comes and says, "before you get fire, you need to make an offering to Tohil". Uh oh. Tribes die because they get cold. "No fue uno mismo nuestro país? Have mercy and share your fire!" Tohil wants their undying worship before he'll give them fire. So they agree and that was that.
Latter part of text
Tojil and his peeps leave El Oriente, and give
thanks to the gods on their way out, and then go looking for where they will
live. (They’re still waiting for the sun to arrive).
The k’iche’ people go traveling, waiting for the
arrival of the sun. They are suffering and sad.
The sun finally appeared – the first dawn. Yay! All
the people burn incense to celebrate. All the people and animals are super
“semejante a una persona era el Sol cuando se manifesto”
– but after it rose that once, it went away and now we only see a reflection of
the original sun, not the true sun in all its glory
When the sun’s light shined on the earth, Tojil
and some of the other gods were turned to stone, and so were a bunch of the
more dangerous animals.
Now the [k’iche’?] people are sad that they
split up from the others to go in search of a place to live while waiting for
the sun. They wonder where there brother tribes were when the sun appeared.
The people mourn the death of Tojil (he was
turned into stone), and they speak to his spirit and continue adoring him. Tojil
tells them to conquer the other peoples to be the chief pueblo, and make
everyone adore him. The people continue worshiping Tojil and some other gods,
and they give them animal offerings and blood offerings. Then the people {the k’iche’s
I think…} start taking down other pueblos bit by bit and sacrificing their
people to the gods.
The other pueblos want to get vengeance on the k’iche’
people for slowly killing them off, so they use their beautiful women as bait
to tempt Tojil and the other two gods. But the trick didn’t work, the gods
weren’t tempted… the gods sent the two women back to the pueblo with painted
canvases (loincloths?)… the women gave the men of the pueblo the loincloths and
when the men put them on the animals painted on them came to life and one man
The other pueblos try again to get vengeance,
and set out to attack Tojil & co, but the k’iche’ make them fall asleep on
their way to attack, and then pluck out some of their hairs to make fun of
them. (“para darles muestra de la
grandeza de la gente k’iche’”)
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