Saturday, August 3, 2013

La raza cósmica (1925) – José Vasconcelos

Sobre el autor y la obra
-          José Vasconcelos
o   México; vida: 1882-1959
o   Writer, philosopher and politician.
o   One of the most influential and controversial personalities in the development of modern Mexico.
o   He was defeated in presidential elections of 1929
-          Vasconcelos’s philosophy of the "cosmic race" affected all aspects of Mexican sociocultural, political, and economic policies.
-          Essay promotes ideology of a future "fifth race" in the Americas; an agglomeration of all the races in the world with no respect to color or number to erect a new civilization: Universópolis

Political/social context
-          Vasconcelos was in his thirties during the early years of the Mexican Revolution; he was against Porfirio Díaz and pro-Madero
-          This essay was written a few years after the Revolution’s end, after a disappointing lack of huge political change – expresses disappointment of many intellectuals with results of Revolution

Comps Example Questions
-          The development of Spanish American identity and issues of race, class, and gender in numerous authors (although they occur in much earlier periods, as well as in the present). Authors: Martí, Rodó, Icaza, Vasconcelos, Mariátegui, Guillén, Burgos, Neruda, etc. Some suggested readings: Cornejo Polar, Meyer, Castillo, Stabb.
-          The idea of “Latin America” that emerges out of the essays by Bolívar, Martí, Rodo, Vasconcelos, J.C. Mariátegui and Fernández Retamar.
o   Idea of a desire to be distinct from the other “Americas,” the United States. Both Rodó and Vasconcelos are opposed to U.S., labeling it as materialistic and utilitarian.

Vasconcelos notes how many people believe that the American continents have been home to some of the oldest civilizations in the world, and he calls on his people to recapture that former glory. He believes that the native people of Latin America are the descendents of Atlantis. He believes that there are four racial branches: red (Atlantis/Native American), white (European), black (African), and yellow (Asian). Those four will spin together to create a fifth race, the cosmic race. The New World was divided between the Anglo-Saxons (English and Dutch) and the Latins (Portuguese and Spanish). It was with Napoleon’s sale of France’s territory in the New World that that world became Anglo instead of Latin. The destiny of the Old World countries was decided in the New World (prospering of England, failure of Spain). The problem with the divided people of Latin America is that they need to identify themselves not in terms of national feeling (Ecuadorian, Mexican, etc) but in terms of their deeper racial roots (Spanish, Mayan, Aztec, Quechua, etc). No one in Latin America thought of this except for a few exceptions such as Bolívar. In their focus on national unity, the Anglo-Saxons are much more to be admired than the Latins. However, they destroyed the native races, and have separated themselves from the African races. Those things the Latins have not done, and so they are the future of the human race because they are already putting into practice the fusion of all races into one. He believes that Latin America is the perfect site for future humanity because of the qualities of the land. There is a spiritual aspect to this national, international project as well.
His three social stages are then described. The material/war-like is characterized by matter and violence. There is reason and judgment, but they are perverted. Racial mixing is possible, but only by force and not in a good way. Reason prevails, however, in the second period (intellectual/political). Racial fusion is possible here. The third stage, which is approaching and not yet here, will be governed by imagination and fancy. Love will help guide it. Lower types of people will be absorbed by the higher types. He also believes that, once humanity is given an aesthetic focus instead of an individualistic focus, the less-desirable traits in humanity will disappear as a result of the people’s person choices and efforts instead of because of the immutable laws of science. The fifth race, the cosmic race, will come about when we have passed into this third stage (after necessarily passing through the first two).

Temas/ideas importantes
-          Estilo de escritura
o   Pseudo-factual / pseudo-scientific style
o   Tone of exaltation of a race with strong feelings of inferiority (Latin Americans)
o   Divided into three sections: about history/background,
-          Development of Latin American identity
o   Recognizes the mestizo’s frequent sense of inferiority in comparison with more “pure” races
o   Criticizes division of Latin American republics and their division from Spain
-          Race
o   Belief that all races will gradually combine/mix/intermingle to create one completely mixed/unified race
o   Recognizes the mestizo’s frequent sense of inferiority in comparison with more “pure” races
o   Questions how the racial mix should occur; suggestion that best if mixing races that are already somewhat similar
o   Conflict between Latins and Anglo-Saxons
o   Pro-racial mixing, anti-racial discrimination
-          Social criticism
o   Calls for nationalist unity of distinct Latin American republics, since their current division supports Anglo-Saxon superiority (supports Bolívar since he also called for this in his Carta de Jamaica)
-          Thoughts on United States
o   Anglo-Saxons are currently somewhat superior to Latins because they are unified
o   Criticizes the fact that the Anglos have not mixed with other races and have been annihilating the native race rather than mixing with it
o   Indicates racism of United States
o   Idea of United States as another England, a continuation of Europe
o   Idea that whites have fallen into materialism and social injustice
-          Subtle pro-Christian message
o   “It seems as if God Himself guided the steps of the Anglo-Saxon cause, while we kill each other on account of dogma or declare ourselves atheists”
o   “Christianity frees and engenders life, because it contains universal, not national, revelation”
o   “Christianity preached love as the basis of human relations, and now it begins to be clear that only love is capable of producing a lofty humanity”

Notes from essay’s introduction (by Didier T. Jaén)
-          Thought of future was a particular preoccupation of Latin American writers of early 20th century; two prime examples include this essay and Rodó’s Ariel of 1900
-          In this essay, Vasconcelos predicts the emergence of a new age in the development of humanity, the Spiritual or Aesthetic Era
o   In this new age, things will be ruled by creative imagination and fantasy
o   Everything based on search for joy and beauty
-          Previous age: Materialistic or Warring Era
-          Present age (at time essay was written): Intellectual or Political Era
o   Reason prevails
-          A new, fully mixed race will emerge – “the Cosmic Race”
-          Latin America can lead in the transition to the Spiritual/Aesthetic Era – Vasconcelos’s essay is an “appeal to the Latin American people to take conscious hold of this destiny which history and culture have put in their hands”
-          This new age is coming no matter what, so Latin America has to act fast to lead it, or some other culture will
-          Idea that mixing of races is fundamental for the emergence of the new age
-          Vasconcelos received a lot of criticism for his thoughts about race and his pseudo-scientific writing style
-          This essay is part of a general reaction against Darwin’s and Spencer’s purely biological and materialistic concepts of evolution
-          His somewhat pessimistic and bitter tone, especially in later years – feeling that the Revolution of 1910 had been betrayed
-          Tone in his essay of exaltation of a race with strong feelings of inferiority; like a pep talk!
-          Vasconcelos was rather anti-United States, which he labeled as materialistic and utilitarian (just like Rodó in Ariel…)
-          Three basic levels that form the cosmological system, according to Vasconcelos:
o   Atomic level of mechanical movements (the field of science and logic)
o   The level of living matter, characterized by directed, purposeful movement originating from within itself (field of ethics)
o   Level of human psyche or soul, characterized by creativity (field of aesthetics and mysticism)
-          “Vasconcelos’ essay on the Cosmic race, then, is not simply a racist theory, but a theory of the future development of human consciousness”

General notes from essay
Prologue to the 1948 Edition
-          Central thesis: “the various races of the earth tend to intermix at a gradually increasing pace, and eventually will give rise to a new human type, composed of selections from each of the races already in existence”
-          Previous evolutionary theories (Darwin, Spencer) are problematic – have led to racial discrimination and are focused on incorrect areas
-          “present world conditions favor the development of interracial sexual unions”
-          “the question the mestizo has often asked himself: Is my contribution to culture comparable to that of the relatively pure races that have made history up to our days?”
o   New example: the Egyptians were mestizos, and they got some awesome stuff done.
-          “the powerful North American nation has been nothing but a melting pot of European races”
-          “the mixture of similar races is productive, while the mixture of very distant types, as in the case of Spaniards and American Indians, has questionable results”
-          With God all things are possible… “A religion such as Christianity made the American Indians advance, in a few centuries, from cannibalism to a relative degree of civilization”

Part I – Thoughts about History
-          Theories about the age and history of the American continent; thoughts about Atlantis
o   Idea that America is “geologically ancient”
-          Claims to be exploring these ideas based on “the facts of history and science”
-          Four racial trunks: Black, Indian, Mongol, and White
-          “the White, after organizing itself in Europe, has become the invader of the world, and has considered itself destined to rule, as did each of the previous races during their time of power”
-          “the union of all men into a fifth universal race, the fruit of all the previous ones and amelioration of everything past” (cosmic race, perfected race)
-          The power of the Spanish/Latins (Spain, Portugal) and English/Anglo-Saxons (England, Holland) in propelling the development of a fifth universal race
o   They conquered and populated the new hemisphere
-          “Latin predominance was unquestionable at the beginning”
o   Spain got the best colonies
o   But later, Anglo-Saxons started winning out against Latins – because Latin republics split up / divided (as they gained independence from Spain)
-          Age was and is “a conflict of Latinism and Anglo-Saxonism; a conflict of institutions, aims, and ideals”
-          A call for nationalist unity of Latin republics, rather than current division (which just supports the Anglo-Saxon superiority)
-          “We shall not be great as long as the Spaniard from America does not feel as much a Spaniard as the sons of Spain”
o   Rather than denying Spanish fatherland, should try to live according to highest interests of the [Latin] race
-          Criticism of Napoleon for focusing purely on Europe and not seeking to understand power of New World / Americas… “Napoleon, in his foolishness, was not able to surmise that the destiny of the European races was going to be decided in the New World”
-          Latin/Spanish race fell because it started to deny traditions and heritage upon splitting from Spain/motherland and then divided among itself (in various republics)
-          Huge error: “history is written in order to please the despots”
-          “No race returns. Each one states its mission, accomplishes it, and passes away.”
-          “The days of the pure whites, the victors of today, are as numbered as were the days of their predecessors. Having fulfilled their destiny of mechanizing the world, they themselves have set, without knowing it, the basis for a new period: The period of the fusion and mixing of all peoples.”
-          “It seems as if God Himself guided the steps of the Anglo-Saxon cause, while we kill each other on account of dogma or declare ourselves atheists” (religion)
-          “Spanish colonization created mixed races” – in contrast, English stayed white… therefore Spanish/Latins are innately superior… they will be the ones to initiate the mission of creating a fifth, unified race
-          Purpose of America: “The purpose of the new and ancient continent is much more important. Its predestination obeys the design of constituting the cradle of a fifth race into which all nations will fuse with each other to replace the four races that have been forging History apart from each other.”
-          Fan of Bolívar, since he also called for unity of Latin American republics (in his Carta de Jamaica)
-          “mission of fusing all peoples ethnically and spiritually”
-          Great opposition between Anglo-Saxons, who want exclusive dominion by Whites, and Latins, who are shaping a new race
-          “a synthetic race that aspires to engulf and to express everything human in forms of constant improvement
-          “the Yankees will end up building the last great empire of a single race, the final empire of White supremacy”
-          In Spanish America: “What is going to emerge out there is the definitive race, the synthetical race, the integral race, made up of the genius and the blood of all peoples and, for that reason, more capable of true brotherhood and of a truly universal vision” (the cosmic race)

Part II – Theory of the formation of the future Cosmic race
-          The Latin American continent is ideal for the development of the cosmic race – particularly the Tropics… Amazon area will become the “promised land”
-          Whites have always been forced to fight against the environment, which has led them to create new things: “The basis of white civilization is fuel”
-          “History does not bend her ways”
-          “The world of the future will belong to whoever conquers the Amazon region. Universopolis will rise by the great river, and from there the preaching, the squadrons, and the airplanes propagandizing the good news will set forth.”
o   Super important that the fifth race conquers this region, NOT the whites!
-          “Our aim is not war against the Whites, but against any kind of violent domination”
-          Idea that racial mixing is easier/better if it’s not on extreme terms… “the Indian is a good bridge for racial mixing”
-          “the mixture of bloods will become gradually more spontaneous, to the point that interbreeding will no longer be the result of simple necessity but of personal taste or, at least, of curiosity”

Part III – Consideration of the Three Social Stages and the Spiritual Factor
-          Proposal of law of personal taste as the basis of all human relationships
-          Three social stages: material or warlike (past), intellectual or political (present), and spiritual or aesthetic (future)
o   Matter/violence prevails in first, material period
o   Reason prevails in second, intellectual period
o   Taste prevails in third, spiritual period
-          In second, intellectual system, “racial mixing partially obeys the fancy of free instinct, exercised beneath the rigors of the social norm, but more strongly it obeys the ethical and political conveniences of the moment”
-          “The main characteristic of this second period is faith in the formula”
-          In the third period, “norms will be given by fantasy;” “instead of rules, constant inspiration”
-          Passion of beauty in third period (obsession with beauty seems somewhat modernist)
-          Reproduction with goal/aim of improvement
-          “No contemporary race can present itself alone as the finished model that all the others should imitate”
-          Reason why Darwinism is superior theory currently
o   “The official science itself is, in each period, a reflection of the pride of the dominant race”
o   “Every imperialistic policy needs a philosophy to justify itself”
-          “Christianity frees and engenders life, because it contains universal, not national, revelation” (religion)
-          “The doctrine of sociological and biological formation we propose in these pages is not a simple ideological effort to raise the spirits of a depressed race by offering it a thesis that contradicts the doctrine with which its rivals wanted to condemn it”
-          “Christianity preached love as the basis of human relations, and now it begins to be clear that only love is capable of producing a lofty humanity” (religion)
-          Support of Mendel’s law/theory – if you reproduce according to taste, the qualities we wish to make predominant will gradually multiply while the recessive, less-likeable qualities will tend to disappear
-          “We have, then, in the continent all the elements for the new Humanity: a law that will gradually select elements for the creation of predominant types (Mendel’s law); a law that will not operate according to a national criterion, as would be the case with a single conquering race, but according to a criterion of universality and beauty; and we also have the land and the natural resources.”
-          “we in America shall arrive, before any other part of the world, at the creation of a new race fashioned out of the treasures of all the previous ones: The final race, the cosmic race”

Some Random Extras:
-Mexican philosopher, secy. of education, 1929 pres. candidate
-Future “5th race” in the Amercias-agglomeration of all of the races of the world in Universópolis
- movement by Mexican intellectuals during the 1920s who pointed out that so-called “Latin”Americans have the blood of all the world's so-called “races”: European, Asian-descended native Americans and Africans, thereby transcending the peoples of the "old world"
-people of Iberian regions of the Americas have the “territorial, racial, and spiritual factors necessary to initiate the ‘universal era of humanity’ “
Future race= Mongoloids (conquered/enslaved indios), Caucasians (colonizing Europeans), Negroids (conquered/enslaved Africans)
Vasconcelos views his words as being an ideological effort to improve the cultural morale of a "depressed race" by offering his optimistic theory of the future development of a cosmic race.
La raza: now referrs to all mixed race people of the Ameritas
     Mientras las otras razas han pretendido ejercer y mantener una supremacía cada una en diferentes épocas de la humanidad explotando a las demás por diferentes medios, la cósmica mediante la educación y la cristiandad promoverá el amor y la armonía, generando así una fuerza vital que le dará una superioridad no lograda por ninguna otra estirpe hasta la fecha.
- es necesario que no se copie al sajón, debe asimilarse y retornar adecuadamente los caracteres benéficos de todas las razas existentes, sin excluir ninguna, crear una nueva cultura basada en la armonía, el amor y la fraternidad, superar los antagonismos y afán de dominación, para llegar a la etapa del “mundo Uno”, el cual se ubicará en el trópico, lugar en donde se iniciaron las grandes civilizaciones y al que es necesario conquistar por medio de los recursos científicos.
1.   En el estado material los pueblos combaten o se juntan sin más ley que la violencia y el poderío relativo, el hombre se subordina a la necesidad, no hay elección, el fuerte toma o rechaza caprichosamente
2. La característica de este segundo período es la fe en la fórmula, por eso en todos sentidos no hace otra cosa que dar norma a la inteligencia, limite a la acción, fronteras a la patria y frenos al sentimiento. Regla, norma y tiranía, tal es la ley del segundo periodo en que estamos presos, y del cual es menester salir”
3. “Las normas las dará la facultad suprema, la fantasía; es decir se vivirá sin norma, en un estado en que todo cuanto nace del sentimiento es un acierto. En vez de reglas, inspiración constante (...)” (Vasconcelos 1948: 39). En esta última etapa se vivirá el júbilo fundado en el amor.
 Tan pronto como la educación y el bienestar se difundan, la unión de las parejas se hará en función de la simpatía, refinada por el sentido de la belleza, no de la necesidad ni de la racionalidad; serán uniones sinceras y apasionadas, fácilmente deshechas en caso de error, que producirán vástagos despejados y hermosos.
Puede decirse que su preocupación por la unidad latinoamericana y el peligro de la dominación anglosajona, representada en nuestro continente por los EUA, fue una constante permanente en su pensamiento

Other notes from the text 
-published during a time when Darwin was en vogue, survival of the fittest
-need to recognize legitimacy of los mestizajes
-Answering the question: Can the work of mixed race people make history like the work of “pure” race people?
E.G. Egypt: successful and homogenous. Then, decadencia. Then, mixed races and flourishing segundo imperio.
U.S.: mix of racesà strong nation
“Resulta entonces fácil afirmar que es fecunda la mezcla de los linajes similares y que es dudosa la mezcla de tipos muy distantes, según ocurrió en el trato de españoles y de indígenas americanos.”
Mixed races turn out great as long as there is some uniting spiritual factor. E.G. Christianity took the barbarous indios and civilized them in just a few centuries, from cannibals to “relatively civilized” (GAG.)
I. El Mestizaje
-L.Am. is an old continent. à so, how can we accept the fiction invented by our European fathers that this is the new world?
-Atlántida was a great civ. there centuries ago.
-mentions “datos más modernos de la geología”
-mentions races, colors (as if they were defining factors in the character of people)
-4 chapters/trunks: While, Black, Indio, Mongol
-la cultura del blanco es emigradora
- La misión trascendental correspondió a las dos más audaces ramas de la familia europea; a los dos tipos humanos más fuertes y más disímiles: el español y el inglés.
- Los llamados latinos, poseedores de genio y de arrojo, se apoderaron de las mejores regiones, de las que creyeron más ricas, y los ingleses, entonces, tuvieron que conformarse con lo que les dejaban gentes más aptas que ellos.
- La derrota nos ha traído la confusión de los valores y los conceptos; la diplomacia de los vencedores nos engaña después de vencernos; el comercio nos conquista con sus pequeñas ventajas.
-We’ve been defeated in combat and ideologically
-A lack of creative thinking + an excess of criticism leads to sterile discussions
-While Yankees feel as English as the English, L.Am. don’t feel as Spanish as the Spanish.
-Para no tener que renegar alguna vez de la patria misma es menester que vivamos conforme al alto interés de la raza, aun cuando éste no sea todavía el más alto interés de la Humanidad.
- La tontería napoleónica no pudo sospechar que era en el Nuevo Mundo donde iba a decidirse el destino de las razas de Europa, (Says that Napoleon was critical in the forming of the modern day US)
-Raza influences everything about who you are (including your ability to fight in wars, etc)
-La raza que había soñado con el imperio del mundo, los supuestos descendientes de la gloria romana, cayeron en la pueril satisfacción de crear nacioncitas y soberanías de principado, alentadas por almas que en cada cordillera veían un muro y no una cúspide
-“Aberrations” occurred because the Spanish blood hadn’t fully mixed with Indian blood
- En la Historia no hay retornos, porque toda ella es transformación y novedad.
Parece que Dios mismo conduce los pasos del sajonismo, en tanto que nosotros nos matamos por el dogma o nos proclamamos ateos. Yet, the failure of the Saxons was to destroy razas, so when ours combine to a mega race, we will rule the world (or something like that J)
- el hombre, a medida que progresa, se multiplica menos y siente el horror del numero, por lo mismo que ha llegado a estimar la calidad
- Acabaran de formar los yanquis el último gran imperio de una sola raza, but L.Am will become an EVEN stronger stock in time.
“primera raza síntesis del globo”
-lots of good land/natural resources to exploit
-foundation of white society es el combustible/”dominio de lo material”
-now, we won’t need to protect ourselves from the cold, which can liberate us… la nueva estética tratará de amoldarse a la curva sin fin de la espiral, que representa el anhelo libre; el triunfo del ser en la conquista del infinito
-starts to get futuristic/fiction-y: Referring to the Amazon- Con los recursos de semejante zona, la más rica del globo en tesoros de todo género, la raza síntesis podrá consolidar su cultura in a place that will be called Universópolis.
-In U-polis, armies will educate so that all will be wise. La vida fundada en el amor llegará a expresarse en formas de belleza.
-no one will be excluded from the quinta raza
-My favorite sentence so far: El indio es buen puente de mestizaje. Además, el clima cálido es propicio al trato y reunión de todas las gentes.
- a medida que las condiciones sociales mejoren, el cruce de sangre será cada vez más espontáneo, a tal punto que no estará ya sujeto a la necesidad, sino al gusto; en último caso; a la curiosidad.
la ley de los tres estados socials: el material o guerrero, el intelectual o político y el espiritual o estético.
1. En el primer período no es posible trabajar por la fusión cordial de las razas, tanto porque la misma ley de la violencia a que está sometido excluye las posibilidades de cohesión espontánea
2. Hacer nuestro antojo, no nuestro deber; seguir el sendero del gusto, no el del apetito ni el del silogismo; vivir el júbilo fundado en amor, ésa es la tercera etapa.
Moving towards utopia: La pobreza, la educación defectuosa, la escasez de tipos bellos, la miseria que vuelve a la gente fea, todas estas calamidades desaparecerán del estado social futuro. Desirous, beautiful traits will increase and unsavory traits will decrease.
Highly problematic: Las razas inferiores, al educarse, se harían menos prolíficas, y los mejores especímenes irán ascendiendo en una escala de mejoramiento étnico, cuyo tipo máximo no es precisamente el blanco, sino esa nueva raza,
Partially accurate: todo imperialismo necesita de una filosofía que lo justifique; el Imperio romano predicaba el orden, es decir, la jerarquía; primero el romano, después sus aliados, y el bárbaro en la esclavitud. Los británicos predican la selección natural, con la consecuencia tácita de que el reino del mundo corresponde por derecho natural y divino al dolicocéfalo de las Islas y sus descendientes.

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